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Every mining and mineral processing industry requires the transport of slurries somewhere in their process. However, slurry transport theory and design are topics not adequately covered by undergraduate engineering fluid mechanics courses.
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Of the many ways to grow a business, one of them is to convert ideas and knowledge into new and commercially successful products and services: that’s called innovation. But why should we care about it?
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This may sound like heresy, but research and technology organizations (RTOs), universities, colleges, and even private-sector research and engineering companies seldom literally “do” innovation.
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If you are part of a small company, you know that often your best analyst is you. Understanding how well your initiatives are doing in the market is not always clear, and knowing how far you’ve come is hard to reflect on. So what are some ways we can fill this knowledge gap?
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The path to any particular innovation can start almost anywhere - a new idea, trial and error or a solution to a specific problem or opportunity.
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The boreal forest is home to Canadian industry, from mining, oil sand production and forestry to oil and gas production and agriculture, as well as many communities. A new toxicity test will help reduce the impacts of industrial activity and protect the boreal forest.
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November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. The Canadian Lung Association says that radon gas is the second-leading cause of lung cancer in Canada. So, what is radon and how do you know if you are being exposed to it?
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Discussions of how innovation actually gets done inevitably lead to discussions about the “Valley of Death.” So what is the Valley of Death?
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SRC employees are volunteering at Saskatchewan food banks as part of a new employee volunteer program. The Saskatoon Food Bank has seen firsthand the impact SRC’s employees have made on the community and the impact volunteering has made on SRC’s employees.
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SRC has developed an economic and socio-environmental impact audit process that enables an RTO to use solid data to provide a realistic indication of the impacts of its innovation-enabling work.
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Whether you’ve just bought a new home or you’ve been on your property for decades, testing your water is good for your health and your home. Five Reasons You Should Test Your Drinking Water.
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Giving students the opportunity to try a hands-on experience in science is something we never shy away from. We love science. So, when we heard that youth in northern Saskatchewan were looking for opportunities to gain experience in science-related fields, we took on the challenge.
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White Paper on a Systematic Analysis of the Effects on Carbon Emissions from Pulse Crops in Canadian Cropping Systems - March 2018 The full version of the white paper has been published and is...
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Overview of energy-efficient houses in Saskatchewan.
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Like many municipalities, the City of Swift Current is looking at methods to preserve the airspace at their landfill. One option is to reduce the volume of disposed cardboard and waste wood going into the landfill - but how? SRC explored several alternative uses for recycled cardboard. Learn which one is the most promising.
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Time to get out your library card or e-reader, SRC's President Emeritus Dr. Laurier Schramm shares his top five books about technological innovation for National Get Caught Reading Month.
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