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By submitting your information in this e-mail form, you agree that our Privacy and Legal policies will govern such information and that SRC may contact you to respond to your inquiry. Email...
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The Saskatchewan Research Council’s (SRC) social media accounts and blog are managed by SRC’s Communications team. As part of our social media and blogging strategy, we share a variety of content that...
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The flow inside a slurry pipeline is a complex environment. It’s not easy for researchers to know what’s going on inside the pipe. Sometimes, transparent pipes are used to observe the flow, but...
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At the Petroleum Technology Alliance of Canada's (PTAC) Annual General Meeting and Awards Luncheon this month, SRC was recognized with a PTAC Collaborative Spirit Award. SRC and PTAC have collaborated...
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Bays 1, 2 & 4, 820 - 51st Street East, Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 0X8 Phone: 306-933-5400
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Most of us know that Saskatchewan is the world’s richest and largest uranium jurisdiction. But did you know that Rare Earth Elements (REEs) are often found within uranium deposits, making Saskatchewan...
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It seems like almost every week across the world, there’s a major online security breach that puts the data of individuals and businesses at risk. Cybercrime is a growing concern and the threats and attacks aren’t always obvious to the untrained eye.
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SRC's Community of Practice was a vital resource during the Lorado Remediation Project, providing resources and expertise to the project team. Find out the two important roles project management and cross-divisional support played in the successful remediation of the Lorado Mill Site.
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