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Government energy regulators are demanding substantial greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions from industry. While carbon dioxide is a concern, methane poses a bigger problem because it absorbs significantly more energy and has a great impact on global warming.
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SRC’s Safety Awards Program was created to recognize employees who have contributed to improving safety at SRC. Learn more about the program and how it's contributed to making SRC a safe place to work.
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Project CLEANS Publications & Reports
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Project CLEANS Presentations & Community Meetings
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Project CLEANS Presentations & Community Meetings
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This blog post is the second installment in a two-part series about methane emissions. In the first post , we looked at how methane emissions are created and why there’s a push to reduce them. In this...
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At SRC, safety is our number-one priority, which is most meaningful when seen in action. Being among the companies recognized in this year’s Mission: Zero Awards is proof we are on the right track...
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Corporate Documents
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When many of uranium mines in northern Saskatchewan were abandoned in the 1950s and 60s, openings to mine workings were left without proper closures and pose a risk to public safety. SRC has been working with local contractors and consulting engineers to build proper mine closures. There are several methods available, depending on the type of opening and the site conditions.
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This news release was posted by Natural Resources Canada on August 28, 2019. The Saskatchewan Research Council is providing expertise in climate change adaptation planning and forestry to the study...
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