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An environmental science student shares the hands-on learning she experienced as part of SRC's Aboriginal Mentorship Program. Learn about the diversity of career options in the environmental science field.
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306-385-4107 (Office) 306-933-5400 (Main Reception)
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Project CLEANS Publications & Reports
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Understanding what goes on inside a slurry pipeline is a complex matter. SRC's Gamma Ray Tomography unit uses multiple gamma-ray sources and sensors to produce real-time images of the density of the pipeline contents at top-notch speeds.
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SRC collaborated with project stakeholders to safely restart Project CLEANS remediation work during the 2020 field season. Learn about the work that was done and what's in store for 2021.
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Safety management has evolved over the past few decades, but safety professionals still struggle to get the point across to the workforce that it is important to report hazards, unsafe acts and conditions. There are significant advantages to reporting and ways to help improve it in your workplace. Read on to learn more.
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SRC Environmental Analytical Laboratories uses the latest rapid microbiological technology in cannabis microbial testing. Our methods are fully validated following United States Pharmacopeia (USP)...
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Did you know SRC has been a force in innovation for over 75 years? Take a look back at just some of the innovation SRC has been a part of over the decades.
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Clays and active clays are found naturally in mineral deposits and present challenges for mining and oil sands industry processes and tailings management. Learn more about the work being done by SRC and its research partners to further the development of two active clay analyzers to address the issues that active clays present.
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