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Rebecca G - Author Bio

Rebecca is the Director of External Relations at SRC.
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Given both global and national pressure to decarbonize operations, Canadian industries are looking for new technologies and implementing more energy-efficient processes from proven, applicable mitigation options. Learn how SRC's CeDER platform helps companies sift through the available technologies.
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Research programs that foster collaboration between industry and academia are an effective way to support industrial and social innovation. Learn about a recent mentorship that led to a ground-breaking discovery for the oil and gas industry.
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SRC offers a one-day advanced training course on the new PipeFlow M1.0 Multi-Species model.
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EAL Standard Terms and Conditions
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Canada’s Department of National Defence (DND) recently awarded a $2-million prize to the Circular City consortium— the winner of DND's Pop-up City contest. SRC's Integrated Energy Systems team collaborated with Innocorps Research Corp. and a consortium of tech companies to develop the world’s first demonstration, rapidly deployable microgrid capable of recycling wastewater to purified potable water for the Canadian Armed Forces.
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View monthly and annual weather summaries for both Climate Reference Stations. Annual subscriptions are also available.
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Accreditation and Proficiency Testing by CALA SRC Environmental Analytical Laboratories is accredited by CALA for numerous tests listed in the scope of accreditation approved by CALA . Accreditation...
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Service Guides
Learn more about the services offered at SRC Geoanalytical Laboratories.
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With several longstanding climate records shattered in 2023, Saskatchewan’s weather was right at home in a year full of impactful events. This year, SRC's Climate Reference Station (CRS) located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, logged record amounts of bright sunshine, record daily high temperatures and below average precipitation making 2023 the fifth driest year on record.
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Get immediate access to SRC's Sensor-Based Sorting Webinar Series: Preconcentration Applications : SRC and CIM Magazine co-hosted a webinar on how to identify potential preconcentration technologies...
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This news release originally appeared on the Government of Saskatchewan website . Saskatchewan Housing Corporation (SHC) has partnered with Lung Saskatchewan to test radon levels in SHC units across...
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Many current and historical industrial sites contain waste storage, spills, tailings and mining activity, which can pose radiological risks long after decommissioning if they aren’t managed or...
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SRC develops and provides sustainable solutions to environmental challenges faced by a variety of industries. We analyze, monitor, measure and provide reporting on your environmental performance to help you reduce your environmental impacts.
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