In March 2020, employees across the world packed up their office belongings for what we all thought would be a few weeks of remote work to “flatten the curve” of the COVID-19 pandemic. Get a first-hand account of how one employee at SRC took what she learned about working safely in the office and applied it to her new home office.
Safety management has evolved over the past few decades, but safety professionals still struggle to get the point across to the workforce that it is important to report hazards, unsafe acts and conditions. There are significant advantages to reporting and ways to help improve it in your workplace. Read on to learn more.
SRC’s Safety Awards Program was created to recognize employees who have contributed to improving safety at SRC. Learn more about the program and how it's contributed to making SRC a safe place to work.
Safety professionals often get a reputation of being the “do this or don’t do that or if you do this such and such bad thing will happen to you” messengers. These are important messages, but you’ve likely heard them before. Read on for two safety stories that aren't big catastrophic accidents, but real-life, everyday situations from my experience as a safety professional.
Across Canada, there are laws in place to protect employees on the job. This OH&S legislation gives three important rights to all employees to ensure they have the knowledge and responsibility they need to be safe on the job. Read your rights!