Centre for the Demonstration of Emissions Reductions

src ceder logoCeDER is a Saskatchewan-based test and validation platform managed and led by SRC that provides real-world testing, demonstration and validation of emissions measurement, reduction, capture and conversion technologies. CeDER is a stage-gated, fee-for-service platform and offers independent, industry recognized, third-party validation aimed at accelerating the commercialization and field deployment of viable greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction technologies.

The CeDER platform consists of a range of integrated services and capabilities, including expertise in mining, process optimization, clean and renewable energy, to help reduce emissions.


Building on SRC’s expertise and experience in the oil and gas sector, CeDER is focused on methane emission reductions for this sector. CeDER can test and validate emissions technologies for low and high-volume sources, from fugitive to process venting.

CeDER can test, verify and demonstrate:

  • Methane (CH4)
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
  • Mono-nitrogen oxides (NOx)
  • Sulfur oxides (SOx)

Other capabilities include:


Mobile Technology Validation

Our CeDER mobile facilities are modular, meaning that the instrumentation and equipment required for each project can be mobilized as needed. Our mobile capability is available for a wide range of testing for diverse technology scenarios and our facilities are operated by experienced field and technical personnel. We monitor, measure and validate:

  • Mass-energy inputs and outputs
  • Internal and nearby gas emissions
  • Use wireless sensors - industry standard instrumentation

CeDER’s trailers can be deployed to test technologies in the field at full- or pre-commercial scales and can be moved easily between locations. While our home base is in Saskatchewan, we operate in field locations across Canada.

Learn more about our mobile field support capabilities


Validation protocol for testing technologies

SRC uses its own standardized validation protocol to ensure quality, transparency, and consistency of the validation process for all clients.


Emissions reduction technology assessments

SRC’s Process Development team offers technology assessments to help industry identify technologies that will help lower their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to meet regulatory requirements. We use our comprehensive database of over 350 current commercial and emerging GHG emissions reduction technologies to identify what technologies are most applicable to our clients' specific operations and evaluate the technologies' performance against client requirements. Learn more

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SRC has a long history of working in energy efficiency and renewables, and that work continues today. Meet Ryan Jansen, Team Lead, Integrated Energy Systems at SRC who leads much of SRC's work in renewables technology, as well as smart and microgrids—all with an eye on helping industry improve efficiencies.
Given both global and national pressure to decarbonize operations, Canadian industries are looking for new technologies and implementing more energy-efficient processes from proven, applicable mitigation options. Learn how SRC's CeDER platform helps companies sift through the available technologies.
gear on purple circle

Process Development

