Water Quality Testing

SRC Environmental Analytical Laboratories performs a wide range of groundwater and surface water quality tests for municipal, commercial and residential needs. Contact the lab to arrange your water quality analysis and testing. We’ll provide you with water sampling instructions and other supplies at no charge.​

View our Water Sampling Guide for a list of parameters, bottle requirements, preservatives, hold times and special instructions.

residential water testing

We offer a variety of water quality tests for home and cabin owners, acreages and farms. Below are a few examples. View the complete list and contact us to get started.



Municipalities are required to test their drinking water quality, according to the schedule outlined in their water treatment plant operating permit. The requirements include coliform bacteria and general chemical, as well as chemical health and toxicity. Water test results are sent electronically to the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment. 

Our Permit to Operate (PTO) Program is an easy way to stay compliant with your Water Security Agency permit. Learn more


Water Analytical Packages and Parameters



acrolein in water testing

Acrolein is mainly used as a contact herbicide to control submersed and floating weeds, as well as algae, in irrigation canals. It is used at a level of 10 ppm in irrigation and recirculating waters. 

SRC Environmental Analytical Laboratories has developed an acrolein in water analysis method following the US EPA method 603 with modifications. The method uses a headspace technique, allowing for a detection limit of 1 ug/L (or 1 ppb). This method was assessed by the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation (CALA) in April and is now in our scope of accreditation. 

For acrolein analysis, we require 2 x 40 mL amber glass vials containing sodium thiosulfate to be filled to overflowing with no headspace. When kept at ≤6°C, the hold time is 14 days. Please contact the lab for sampling supplies.