As one of Canada’s most complete analytical chemistry laboratories, SRC Environmental Analytical Laboratories offers environmental test services and expertise in organics, inorganics and radiochemistry for companies in mining, oil and gas, industry and agriculture, as well as consultants, government agencies and municipalities.
Our team of chemists and technologists are available to provide fast and reliable solutions to analytical problems. We can also provide information on how to prepare and handle samples, and supply sample containers and preservatives free of charge.
PTO Program
SRC Environmental Analytical Laboratories offers a Permit to Operate (PTO) program, designed to provide Saskatchewan municipalities with an easy way to stay compliant with their Water Security Agency permit. The PTO program offers exclusive discounts for a variety of routine and additional analyses.
Understanding Radioactivity Webinar
SRC and CIM Magazine co-hosted a webinar covering how to identify and test potential sources of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM), using SRC's full suite of testing and management services.
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SRC Environmental Analytical Laboratories is accredited by the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation Inc. for environmental testing procedures. We maintain a comprehensive quality control and quality assurance program.