Accreditation and Proficiency Testing by CALA
SRC Environmental Analytical Laboratories is accredited by CALA for numerous tests listed in the scope of accreditation approved by CALA. Accreditation ensures that procedures, facilities, and methods conform to ISO/IEC 17025, the internationally recognized standard. The accreditation program consists of onsite assessments and proficiency testing. Proficiency testing helps to ensure the accuracy of results through inter-laboratory comparisons and is a mandatory requirement of accreditation for numerous parameters.
Inter-laboratory Performance Assessment
In addition to the CALA proficiency testing program, the laboratory participates in several other inter-laboratory performance assessment programs. These include:
Environment Canada’s Ecosystems Inter-laboratory QA program
Environment Canada’s Northern Contaminants program
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) programs
Commercially available performance assessment programs such as those supplied by Environmental Resource Associates (ERA) and Resource Technology Corporation (RTC)
Most routine analytical methods are based on established standard methods (e.g. APHA, US EPA, ASTM, Environment Canada). All routine methods are thoroughly validated and authorized before use in the laboratory. Methods are reviewed routinely regularly.
Quality Control
We apply a number of quality control measures, including the analysis of certified reference materials, control samples, duplicates and sample spikes to ensure the validity of analytical results. If a problem is identified, the samples are repeated, or other corrective action is taken, to demonstrate that the analytical results are acceptable. If this is not possible, then the client is notified.