From the Lab to the Loading Dock Blog

written by Randy F and SRC Communications
SRC has a long history of supporting innovation through research and technological advancement. Since the early 1980s, SRC has offered services that improve upon processing technologies for large...
written by Erin M
Lucinda brings her deep understanding of all facets of mining operations and social sciences to her role as Director of Business Development at SRC, working with diverse communities and companies both local and international. Lucinda understands that strong working relationships are the key to business development, especially when providing services to clients.
written by Erin M
Saskatchewan's established oil and gas industry is crucial for diversifying the energy sector and providing solutions that work for the economy and the environment. With over 30 years of industry knowledge and expertise, SRC is supporting the province as it turns its attention towards hydrogen.
written by Erin M
For over 75 years, the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) has focused on research and technology demonstration that directly affects the welfare of the province — helping find solutions for the agricultural, mining, environmental and energy industries.
written by SRC Communications
SRC has a long history of working in energy efficiency and renewables, and that work continues today. Meet Ryan Jansen, Team Lead, Integrated Energy Systems at SRC who leads much of SRC's work in renewables technology, as well as smart and microgrids—all with an eye on helping industry improve efficiencies.
written by SRC Communications
As electric vehicle technologies advance and the energy transition continues, the demand for critical metals keeps rising. Learn about SRC's direct recycling process of LIB metals that will help industry meet the growing demand for critical metals and divert batteries from landfills.
written by SRC Communications
There’s no rule that you must be born with math and science skills to pursue a career in engineering; it’s all about persistence, and a deep desire for learning new things and discovering how they work. We had a chat with a few of our engineers and geoscientists at SRC to learn more about what drew them to their careers. Find out what it's like to live a life of science.
written by SRC Communications
Petro Nakutnyy is the Director of Operations for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) and In-Situ Processes in SRC's Energy Division. He’s seen how the oil and gas industry has evolved, especially over the last decade. Learn more about how his team is helping ready the industry for a net-zero future.
written by SRC Communications
Clays and active clays are found naturally in mineral deposits and present challenges for mining and oil sands industry processes and tailings management. Learn more about the work being done by SRC and its research partners to further the development of two active clay analyzers to address the issues that active clays present.
written by Petro N and Suzanne J
SRC's Enhanced Oil Recovery team uses a stage-gated approach to help small-to-medium enterprises develop their technologies and evaluate technical, market and commercial factors. This helps our clients save time and accelerate adoption. Learn about what's involved.
written by SRC Communications
Many industries in western Canada face corrosion problems due to the frequent exposure of metal alloys to water, salt, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and lesser well-known sulfur compounds. In our lab, we test metal corrosion by simulating the environment in which it will be applied. Learn more.