From the Lab to the Loading Dock Blog

written by SRC Communications
The term technology readiness is arising more frequently in discussions about innovation. When this occurs, one has to be a bit careful because there are two very different kinds of readiness and both are important to the success of technology development.
written by SRC Communications
The Innovation School™ focuses not only on building an understanding of innovation, but on promoting and sharing ideas, business models and best practices related to enabling innovation by RTOs.
written by Mike C
CHOPs produces thousands of barrels of heavy oil per day for Saskatchewan, but also leaves 90 per cent of the oil in the reservoir untouched. Maturing wells represent an opportunity to deploy new technology into the reservoirs to recover the remaining oil.
written by SRC Communications
Much has been written on employee engagement and how to encourage and foster innovation within an organization. Our Innovation Forum is designed to encourage conversations and networking across the company, to create an awareness about the capabilities and projects at SRC.
written by SRC Communications
In 1925, Nikolai Kondratieff proposed economies go through cycles of depression, expansion and recession, called Kondratieff Waves. These waves carry technological, social/political, economic and environmental change, planting seeds for future innovations.
written by SRC Communications
Discovery and invention strategies are important aspects of research and development. Once something has been invented, questions related to feasibility, value and demand come into play, as well as whether or how the invention should be protected.
written by SRC Communications
Canada has an opportunity to become a business innovation leader by supporting and better connecting its existing innovation ecosystem.
written by SRC Communications
SRC has developed an economic and socio-environmental impact audit process that enables an RTO to use solid data to provide a realistic indication of the impacts of its innovation-enabling work.
written by Wanda N
“Do you happen to have a gently used biodigester?” Our biodigester project with the Canadian Museum of Science and Technology started with an unusual question. Isn't that where innovation usually starts?
written by SRC Communications
Canada’s principal innovation enablers are its Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs). What? Canada has RTOs? You bet. So who are they?