From the Lab to the Loading Dock Blog

written by Rebecca G
The petroleum industry has used medical-grade CT scanners for decades. Although many commercial laboratories, research institutes and universities use these scanners, the technology has limitations. A high-resolution industrial CT scanner can provide clearer images in greater detail for complex industrial applications.
written by SRC Communications
The Cowessess Energy Storage Facility is the first known wind-solar battery storage project in Canada. With the addition of over one thousand solar panels, the facility now produces almost 3,000 MWh of energy per year, enough to supply power to 344 homes. Learn about how this system works and why wind and solar make a good pair.
written by Rebecca G
Did you know that lighting accounts for about one-third of an average home’s energy use? With so many different options for light bulbs on the market, it's hard to know which one is the best. We share seven reasons why people should consider switching to LEDs, the fastest growing tech in this sector.
written by Michael B
Soil scientists have proposed a new type of soil based on the wide-spread effects of human activity: Anthroposols. We task this novel soil to mimic and support our ecosystems, but we're not sure how to measure its performance over time. One scientist is studying possible measures to see how well Anthroposols can supply nutrients to Canada's boreal forest.
written by SRC Communications
The Nicholson Mine was the first uranium mine to be developed in Saskatchewan. In 1949, it was the only active uranium mine in Canada outside the Northwest Territories. By 1959, the Nicholson ore body had been essentially depleted, but the Nicholson Mine had played its role in helping Canada become one of the largest uranium producers in the world. Learn more about the challenges of developing and operating this mine.
written by Rebecca G
Before the end of this year’s Aboriginal Mentorship Program at SRC, second-year mentee Tomika and her mentor, Mark had a chance to talk about their experience in the program. Read some of our favourite responses from their conversation, which we hope will shed some light on the benefits of mentorship.
written by SRC Communications
Throughout the 1970s, SRC investigated pesticide spray drift, which happens when pesticides drift beyond the targeted crop area (including runoff from plants and soils) by accident. Learn about the field trials and the results of the study.
written by Lucinda W and Jack Z
The demand for lithium is projected to increase 73 per cent by 2025. Lithium extraction is often expensive and time consuming, so how can mining companies keep up with this fast-rising demand? Keep reading to learn about new advances in lithium recovery technologies.
written by SRC Communications
The Gunnar Mine and Mill Site was abandoned with little to no decommissioning after it ceased operation in 1964, leaving behind significant hazards to the environment and public. Learn about the decades after the Gunnar Site closed and what's being done to remediate the land.
written by SRC Communications
The Gunnar Mine operated from 1955-1963 and officially closed in 1964 with little to no decommissioning. In 1956, it was considered to be the largest uranium producer in the world. Learn about the construction of the site, the operational challenges and the town site that was built - and why it became a ghost town.