Indigenous Workforce Program

Applications are now open for SRC's Indigenous Summer Student Program, Kiskiyihta, formerly the Aboriginal Mentorship Program (AMP). Visit our Careers page to apply.

SRC is continuing to make Indigenous Workforce Development a priority, in alignment with our Indigenous Action Plan. Of the four pillars within the plan, Pillar 1 is focused on employment. The approach set out in that plan is the guide for laying the foundation for SRC’s new Indigenous Workforce Program. 

SRC Pillar 1 Employment icon woman with arms open in front of sun with butterfliesPillar 1: Employment

The Indigenous Workforce Program is part of Pillar 1 in SRC's Indigenous Action Plan, which centres on Indigenous Peoples, communities and businesses to help achieve shared goals. The plan is built to align with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s (TRC) Call to Action 92 and will be lifted by four integral pillars: Employment, Leadership, Indigenous Community Relationships and Business Development. 

The Employment Pillar is defined as the commitment of resources (time and money) to achieving equitable representation of Indigenous persons in the workplace.

At SRC, we aim to create an environment that can attract, retain and promote Indigenous employees. Our goal is to engage and empower Indigenous Peoples so they can thrive in a culturally safe workplace and successfully achieve their professional goals. The high-level goals from Pillar 1 – Employment, include:

  • Increase recruitment and hiring of Indigenous Peoples by removing barriers to attracting, hiring and retaining Indigenous employees
  • Collaborate with Indigenous educational institutions and training entities to support SRC’s Kiskiyihta Indigenous Summer Student Program; explore funding  and collaboration opportunities to build programs for Indigenous hiring
  • Develop strategies for the retention and advancement of Indigenous employees

The Indigenous Workforce Program is a dynamic, more fulsome program for SRC aimed at meeting the goals above. In addition to those goals, the program will:

  • Provide Indigenous Peoples with the chance to work in a research and technology environment 
  • Provide Indigenous people an opportunity to gain valuable job experience and mentoring
  • Strive to give opportunities to Indigenous Peoples that may not have existed previously
  • Aim to increase cultural awareness within our SRC workforce 
  • Include programming and activities that are designed to make the overall experience of the Indigenous employees memorable 
  • Increase Indigenous employee engagement via training sessions, mentorship connections and making resources available company wide

Kiskiyihta Indigenous Summer Student Program

Kiskiyihta provides Indigenous students studying at a Saskatchewan post-secondary institution with opportunities for hands-on learning in a research and technology environment at SRC. Learn more about the program and how to apply.