From the Lab to the Loading Dock Blog

written by SRC Communications
Giving students the opportunity to try a hands-on experience in science is something we never shy away from. We love science. So, when we heard that youth in northern Saskatchewan were looking for opportunities to gain experience in science-related fields, we took on the challenge.
written by SRC Communications
With all of the different products and choices available to us, how can we, as consumers, make “green” choices based on reliable information? One valuable way to lower our impacts on the environment is to think about the full life cycle impacts of decisions about the products and services we consume.
written by Erin T-A
Although the two things might appear to be unrelated, being a research technologist and a competitive curler has some similarities: both require precision, problem solving and a supportive team. Learn how a professional curler takes the skills he learns on the ice into the lab (and vice versa).
written by SRC Communications
Making predictions about the future is difficult but, if the past is any indicator, some future technological innovations will arise out of things that have already been imagined by science-fiction and fantasy-fiction writers.
written by Suzanne J
We’re fortunate that many women in STEM careers have chosen to work here – scientists, engineers, researchers, technologists. Learn how five women at SRC came to be in a STEM career and what and who inspired them - and continues to inspire them - to stick with it.
written by Rebecca G
The prevalence and impact of Fusarium is spreading across the Canadian Prairie provinces, leading to concerns from industry around its potentially devastating impacts. Read more about a project to develop a test for wheat producers that will identify and quantify Fusarium species.
written by Suzanne J
Time to sweep up that confetti and put the countdown clocks away. 2018 is here. And it’s looking to be yet another interesting year. But let’s not forget all that happened in 2017 (or maybe some of it...
written by SRC Communications
Winter can bring weather extremes from beautiful sunny winter days to blizzards with whiteout conditions. The change from one to the other can happen quickly, so you need to be prepared when heading out on the slippery, snow-covered roads. Read on for important safety tips!
written by Suzanne J
Science is all around us this holiday season. Our merry band of nerdy elves have identified several places to spot (and experience) science this holiday season so you can become an Honourary Scientist.
written by SRC Communications
Since the early 20th century, Canada's research and technology organizations have been interested in learning how to measure the economic impacts of their work. Find out how SRC's R&D impact assessment tool works.