From the Lab to the Loading Dock Blog

written by Suzanne J
Four seasons. One climate reference station to record them all. Find out how Saskatoon fared in the rain, snow, wind, sun and frost in 2014.
written by SRC Communications
The Innovation School™ focuses not only on building an understanding of innovation, but on promoting and sharing ideas, business models and best practices related to enabling innovation by RTOs.
written by Jack Z
The versatility of rare earths has led to their use in an ever-increasing variety of applications in new technologies. Consequently, demand for rare earths has increased significantly. Everybody wants to extract rare earths because they’re so important, but metallurgical processing is complicated and comes at a high cost.
written by Mike C
CHOPs produces thousands of barrels of heavy oil per day for Saskatchewan, but also leaves 90 per cent of the oil in the reservoir untouched. Maturing wells represent an opportunity to deploy new technology into the reservoirs to recover the remaining oil.
written by SRC Communications
Caitlin Taylor, the Saskatchewanderer, toured SRC's diamond lab and shares her experience learning about the diamond extraction process.
written by Virginia W
Saskatchewan, despite its long winters (or what feels like winters that won’t end) is the sunniest province in Canada. The ability to measure and quantify that fact is important for industries in which weather plays a factor in planning and revenue. At our Climate Reference Stations, we use a sunshine duration sensor to help document Saskatchewan’s brightest attribute.
written by SRC Communications
Much has been written on employee engagement and how to encourage and foster innovation within an organization. Our Innovation Forum is designed to encourage conversations and networking across the company, to create an awareness about the capabilities and projects at SRC.
written by SRC Communications
Did you know what you wanted to be when you were in Grade 9? Take Our Kids to Work Day is a national initiative that helps students connect school, their workplace and their futures. At SRC, students engaged their analytical brains and got hands-on with some fun science activities!
written by SRC Communications
Can and should small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) do competitive intelligence (CI)? If so, how do SMEs create a CI program without exhausting resources?
written by SRC Communications
In 1925, Nikolai Kondratieff proposed economies go through cycles of depression, expansion and recession, called Kondratieff Waves. These waves carry technological, social/political, economic and environmental change, planting seeds for future innovations.