From the Lab to the Loading Dock Blog

written by Mike C
Water is said to be one of the major environmental impacts of oil and gas production. While industry has long been conscious of water treatment, both above and below ground, there are some significant challenges facing them regarding sourcing and using water.
written by SRC Communications
Discovery and invention strategies are important aspects of research and development. Once something has been invented, questions related to feasibility, value and demand come into play, as well as whether or how the invention should be protected.
written by Mike Mc
When people think of Saskatchewan, diamonds don't often come to mind. Well, give your head a shake. Saskatchewan has one of the world's largest diamond labs at it's attracting international attention.
written by SRC Communications
Canada has an opportunity to become a business innovation leader by supporting and better connecting its existing innovation ecosystem.
written by SRC Communications
Whether you’ve just bought a new home or you’ve been on your property for decades, testing your water is good for your health and your home. Five Reasons You Should Test Your Drinking Water.
written by SRC Communications
SRC has developed an economic and socio-environmental impact audit process that enables an RTO to use solid data to provide a realistic indication of the impacts of its innovation-enabling work.
written by Mark C
For many companies operating in the mining and energy sectors, community engagement is something they have to do or may want to do. The question is, are you willing to do what it takes to make community engagement more meaningful and valuable for you and your stakeholders? It’s a big question to answer.
written by Wanda N
“Do you happen to have a gently used biodigester?” Our biodigester project with the Canadian Museum of Science and Technology started with an unusual question. Isn't that where innovation usually starts?
written by Ryan J
Renewable energy generation from sources such as wind is largely unpredictable. What if you could smooth out the volatility and make a wind turbine act like a conventional generator? This is exactly what we are trying to achieve in a wind-battery project we’ve developed alongside Cowessess First Nation.
written by SRC Communications
There is a lot of oil in the Bakken Formation – estimated to be as much as 16 billion m 3 (100 billion barrels) in Saskatchewan alone – but it is both difficult and expensive to access. SRC’s Enhanced...