Labs and Facilities

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Labs and Facilities

Since our inception in 1947, we have established and expanded a wide range of laboratories and facilities to meet the changing needs of industry. We are conveniently located in the production heart of many resource industries, including uranium, potash, diamonds and burgeoning sectors like rare earths and hydrogen.

From commercial laboratories to contract research and development and pilot plants, SRC has reliable, secure, independent and state-of-the-art facilities staffed by world-class scientists, engineers, researchers and technologists. 

Collaboration is key at SRC. Our multi-disciplinary teams work across our labs and facilities, giving clients a central point of access to many of our services. We keep it convenient so you can dedicate fewer resources getting the solutions you need. 

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jars of rare earths at src facility

SRC's Rare Earth Processing Facility is the first of its kind in Canada, laying the foundation for a rare earth element (REE) supply chain in Saskatchewan and forming an industry model for future commercial REE resource expansion in the province. 

lab equipment at src environmental analytical laboratories

SRC Environmental Analytical Laboratories, one of Canada’s most complete analytical chemistry laboratories, offers environmental test services and expertise in organics, inorganics and radiochemistry. 

weighing sample at src geoanalytical laboratories

SRC Geoanalytical Laboratories provides high-quality analysis to the exploration and mining industry, offering a diverse range of analytical mineral exploration packages and help develop new analytical methods.

diamonds at src diamond lab

SRC’s Diamond Laboratory is at the forefront of advanced diamond recovery services. Our high-security diamond processing facility is ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited.

engineer works at src pilot plant

We provide mineral processing R&D and technology services, including testing, evaluation, design, optimization and product manufacture, for a wide range of commodities.

engineer fits pipe at well site

Our Centre for the Demonstration of Emissions Reductions (CeDER) is a test and validation platform that provides real-world testing, demonstration and validation of emissions measurement, reduction, capture and conversion technologies. 

pipes in src pipe flow technology centre

SRC's Pipe Flow Technology Centre™ is acknowledged as an international leader in its field, offering an unparalleled degree of experience in assisting industry with practical pipeline applications.

qemscan at src's advanced microanalysis centre

SRC's Advanced Microanalysis Centre™ has become a reliable source for resource industries’ growing analytical needs with its advanced equipment and array of services.

wind speed instrument at src's climate reference station

SRC's Climate Reference Stations in Saskatoon and Prince Albert provide high quality and consistent climatological observations that address climate change effects and the increased climate variability on the Prairies. 

src engineer works on pipes at testing centre

SRC's Shook-Gillies HPHT Test Facility at the Pipe Flow Technology Centre™ is a Class 1, Division 1 building capable of handling volatile materials to test industrial conditions, including slurry fluid flows from enhanced oil recovery projects involving solvent or steam.

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