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Evolving technologies and processes have significantly altered how companies drill for oil. Take a look at some game-changing drilling advancements, starting with horizontal wells, that occurred over the past few decades.
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CHOPs produces thousands of barrels of heavy oil per day for Saskatchewan, but also leaves 90 per cent of the oil in the reservoir untouched. Maturing wells represent an opportunity to deploy new technology into the reservoirs to recover the remaining oil.
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We provide services and technologies that solve our clients’ technical problems and challenges in the production and distribution of energy, including fossil energy and alternative-renewable energy.
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In Saskatchewan, there are hundreds of millions of barrels of heavy oil still in the ground and currently no way to extract it. SRC's new Post-CHOPS Well Test Centre validates new technologies that could solve this challenge.
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Our experts are presenting at a variety of in-person and online events over the next couple months, with topics across our strategic sectors of mining, energy, environment and ag/biotech.
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There is a lot of oil in the Bakken Formation – estimated to be as much as 16 billion m 3 (100 billion barrels) in Saskatchewan alone – but it is both difficult and expensive to access. SRC’s Enhanced...
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In 2011, SRC completed a pilot CHP project at Inland Metal’s manufacturing facility in Regina. The project used first-to-market CHP technology that captures heat from a natural gas-powered internal...
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SRC is reinventing the traditional method of mixing and manufacturing metals with innovative advancements in metal smelting technology — an integral part of SRC’s minerals-to-metals Rare Earth Processing Facility.
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SRC's Environmental Analytical Laboratories provides radon analysis for homeowners and businesses anywhere in the world. The testing is inexpensive and easy-to-use.
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SRC is proud to announce that its Rare Earth Processing Facility located in Saskatoon, SK is ahead of schedule and produced rare earth metals at a commercial scale in summer 2024 – making Saskatchewan the first and only jurisdiction to do so in North America.
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SRC’s Hybrid Energy Container has a customizable combination of conventional and renewable generation sources together with energy storage.
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306-385-4208 306-933-5400
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SRC’s world-class Diamond Laboratory and expert team provide comprehensive services to support the exploration and recovery of diamonds, ensuring high-quality results at every stage. We’re at the forefront of advanced diamond recovery techniques and our team of experts are continually improving our methods and facilities.
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SRC’s heavy mineral analysis team provides comprehensive flowsheets for concentrating and evaluating heavy mineral indicators. At our facility, we specialize in identifying and characterizing indicator minerals from a variety of geological samples and commodities, which is an important first step in finding new valuable deposits.
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From Exploration to closure SRC provides a wide range of services throughout the mining cycle to the mining and minerals industry and other industrial sectors. We leverage our traditional research...
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Preconcentration refers to processes that enhance the grade, value and/or economic potential of ore before primary recovery and concentration operations by removing waste from the stream. SRC provides...
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SRC offers comprehensive sensor-based sorting (SBS) design and testing services across the entire process, from mineralogical characterization to pilot testing.
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SRC is Saskatchewan’s most advanced and complete minerals analysis centre supporting the resource industries. Services are available for exploration, tailings management, remediation and mineral processing.
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