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As SRC steadily marches through its 75th year of operation, we sat down with President and CEO, Mike Crabtree, to discuss key moments in SRC’s history that have shaped the organization. Crabtree also shares some insight into what the future holds for Canada’s second largest research and technology organization.
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SRC's Dense Media Separation (DMS) Bulk Sample Plant is one of the only continuous testing DMS facilities in Canada and is capable of processing a wide variety of commodities.
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Project CLEANS Publications & Reports
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Water is a reactive and dynamic medium. Although a sample bottle filled with water may look quite stable, as soon as that sample is taken, subtle changes can begin to take place. Read more to learn why it's important to follow the sampling and preservation guidelines provided by your laboratory.
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With growth in any sector, particularly a relatively new sector, there are both challenges and opportunities. For the rare earth elements industry, the key to success will come from the development and security of its own independent supply chains. Learn how SRC's new Facility is playing a lead role in addressing some of the issues in the supply chain.
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This news release originally appeared on the Government of Saskatchewan website . Today, Minister Jeremy Harrison was presented with the first metal ingots ever produced in Canada. The ingots were...
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At SRC, safety is seen as everyone’s responsibility, and we have built our culture on that principle. Safety is fundamental to everything that everyone at SRC does. Meet the person responsible for engaging and leading the entire organization with a safety-first mindset. Read on.
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This news release originally appeared on the Prairies Economic Development Canada website . Minister Vandal announces investment in processing of rare earth elements in Saskatchewan Funding of $7.5...
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Saskatchewan's leadership in rare earth elements (REE) production, research and education will debut today in Saskatoon as private and public sector collaborate to showcase three significant initiatives that are attracting international attention.
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Alexey Klyashtorin is a world-renowned expert on nuclear and environmental remediation. He works on SRC's Project CLEANS team where he applies his industrial and academic experience to remediating abandoned uranium mine and mill sites in northern Saskatchewan. Read on.
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