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SRC offers methamphetamine residue wipe analysis for housing remediation. During the methamphetamine production and smoking process, toxic substances are created and can contaminate the house and its furnishings.
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We offer fully accredited testing in accordance with SLGA requirements for measuring Alcohol By Volume (ABV).
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Our laboratory offers routine testing for heavy metals in cannabis plant material and cannabis oil.
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SRC has worked alongside the uranium industry in Saskatchewan and around for the world for over 60 years on analysis, process improvement, technology development and remediation..
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Our process engineering expertise and valuable processing technologies are available to a wide range of industries for commercial application.
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SRC Environmental Analytical Laboratories provides water testing packages for home and cottage owners, acreages and farms.
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SRC has one of the first industrial-type computed-tomography (CT) scanners in Canada designed for petroleum research and development.
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SRC offers petroleum testing and analytical services for a wide range of petroleum products, including natural gases, gas condensates and lighter hydrocarbons, middle distillate fuels, heavier crude components, reservoir brines and pipeline fluids.
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SRC's Environmental Analytical Laboratories provides radon analysis for homeowners and businesses anywhere in the world. The testing is inexpensive and easy-to-use.
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SRC’s Hybrid Energy Container has a customizable combination of conventional and renewable generation sources together with energy storage.
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SRC’s world-class Diamond Laboratory and expert team provide comprehensive services to support the exploration and recovery of diamonds, ensuring high-quality results at every stage. We’re at the forefront of advanced diamond recovery techniques and our team of experts are continually improving our methods and facilities.
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SRC’s heavy mineral analysis team provides comprehensive flowsheets for concentrating and evaluating heavy mineral indicators. At our facility, we specialize in identifying and characterizing indicator minerals from a variety of geological samples and commodities, which is an important first step in finding new valuable deposits.
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Preconcentration refers to processes that enhance the grade, value and/or economic potential of ore before primary recovery and concentration operations by removing waste from the stream. SRC provides...
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SRC offers comprehensive sensor-based sorting (SBS) design and testing services across the entire process, from mineralogical characterization to pilot testing.
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SRC is Saskatchewan’s most advanced and complete minerals analysis centre supporting the resource industries. Services are available for exploration, tailings management, remediation and mineral processing.
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We assist industry by developing mineral processing and process improvements, as well as providing solutions to minimize the environmental impacts of mine and mill operations.
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