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SRC has a long history of working in energy efficiency and renewables, and that work continues today. Meet Ryan Jansen, Team Lead, Integrated Energy Systems at SRC who leads much of SRC's work in renewables technology, as well as smart and microgrids—all with an eye on helping industry improve efficiencies.
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As the potash industry has developed in Saskatchewan and around the world, SRC has provided technological support along the way. Learn how we've helped to address many of the potash industry’s challenges and growth along the way.
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As SRC steadily marches through its 75th year of operation, we sat down with President and CEO, Mike Crabtree, to discuss key moments in SRC’s history that have shaped the organization. Crabtree also shares some insight into what the future holds for Canada’s second largest research and technology organization.
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Water is a reactive and dynamic medium. Although a sample bottle filled with water may look quite stable, as soon as that sample is taken, subtle changes can begin to take place. Read more to learn why it's important to follow the sampling and preservation guidelines provided by your laboratory.
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With growth in any sector, particularly a relatively new sector, there are both challenges and opportunities. For the rare earth elements industry, the key to success will come from the development and security of its own independent supply chains. Learn how SRC's new Facility is playing a lead role in addressing some of the issues in the supply chain.
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At SRC, safety is seen as everyone’s responsibility, and we have built our culture on that principle. Safety is fundamental to everything that everyone at SRC does. Meet the person responsible for engaging and leading the entire organization with a safety-first mindset. Read on.
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Alexey Klyashtorin is a world-renowned expert on nuclear and environmental remediation. He works on SRC's Project CLEANS team where he applies his industrial and academic experience to remediating abandoned uranium mine and mill sites in northern Saskatchewan. Read on.
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Skye Muirhead is the Operations Lead for SRC’s Environmental Remediation team. Learn more about Muirhead's career and work at SRC as she and her team take on the complex task of remediating abandoned uranium mine and mill sites in northern Saskatchewan.
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Meet Mike McCubbing, manager of SRC's Diamond Laboratory - one of the largest commercial diamond processing labs in the world. Learn more about Mike's career at SRC and how his team has helped grow SRC's diamond capabilities to meet evolving industry needs.
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When a mine operation evaluates how well its plant is performing, it’s important they have reliable, accurate data to compare the present to the past. A plant audit can provide clarity about how a plant is performing as a whole to help improve recovery rates. Learn more.
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While potash has some valuable industrial uses, 95 per cent of the world’s production goes towards supporting the agricultural industry. As demand for a variety of food crops increases, farmers and industry are looking for premium fertilizer to maximize their yields. Learn how SRC is helping industry recover premium products, such as sulphate of potassium.
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SRC's Climate Services team installed a weather station at Black Fox Farm and Distillery, which provides Black Fox's owners accurate weather data for their business. Learn more about the weather station and SRC's nearly sixty-year history tracking Saskatchewan's changing climate.
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2022 was a year to remember for us here at SRC. We celebrated several monumental anniversaries—SRC turned 75 and our Geoanalytical Laboratories marked 50 years of operation. For a quick journey through the highlights, take a look at our most-read articles published in 2023!
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While the latest technologies are the foundation of any security unit, successful operations also require a robust security culture. Safety and security are interconnected—a secure workplace ensures staff safety and keeps operations running smoothly. Learn how SRC is developing a culture of security as it grows.
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For many companies operating in the mining and energy sectors, community engagement is something they have to do or may want to do. The question is, are you willing to do what it takes to make community engagement more meaningful and valuable for you and your stakeholders? It’s a big question to answer.
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2022 will be remembered for many reasons. We experienced the world beginning to reopen, but as per usual for Saskatoon, we also experienced record-setting weather. Follow along as we recap the weather Saskatoon experienced throughout 2022.
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Remediation efforts at the former Gunnar Mine and Mill Site reached a new milestone last spring—with the first stage of revegetation coming to fruition. Learn how this long-abandoned uranium mine and mill has undergone a large environmental transformation over the past decade.
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There’s no rule that you must be born with math and science skills to pursue a career in engineering; it’s all about persistence, and a deep desire for learning new things and discovering how they work. We had a chat with a few of our engineers and geoscientists at SRC to learn more about what drew them to their careers. Find out what it's like to live a life of science.
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SRC’s SLOWPOKE reactor was commissioned in March 1981. The reactor immediately proved to be a great resource for the uranium industry as it provided a rapid method to analyze the thousands of exploration samples that the industry was then producing. Learn more.
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SRC is home to one of five SLOWPOKE-2 low-power research reactors in the world. SLOWPOKE-2 is used primarily as an analytical tool for commercial analysis and research. Read on to find out what makes this reactor different than other power reactors.
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