helium element periodic table
This news release was originally published on the Government of Saskatchewan website . Helium Liquefaction Hub Study Will Accelerate Provincial Development of Helium Export Infrastructure The...
src research engineer presents slurry pipeline systems course to students
SRC and Paterson & Cooke have joined forces to once again offer an in-person comprehensive course in slurry pipeline design and operation.
src researcher conducts direct steam generation development work
Congratulations to SRC's EOR and In-Situ Processes team who received funding from Innovation Saskatchewan for their Direct Steam Generation project, which involves working with industry partners to...
slowpoke reactor at src
View news release on the Government of Saskatchewan website . The Saskatchewan Research Council’s (SRC) SLOWPOKE-2 nuclear research reactor has been safely and successfully decommissioned after 38...
Well head in field, part of accelerated site cleanup administered by SRC
Government of Saskatchewan, Energy and Resources News Release. View here . Provincial Initiatives Support Indigenous Jobs and the Environment Saskatchewan's Accelerated Site Closure Program (ASCP) has...
$200 Million For Oil And Gas Service Workers In Saskatchewan
Read the news release on the Government of Saskatchewan website . Today, the Government of Saskatchewan announced the allocation of $200 million for Phase Two of the province’s Accelerated Site...
accelerated well site closure program src
For the latest version of this news release, please visit: http://saskatchewan.ca/news Today, the Government of Saskatchewan is providing an update on the Accelerated Site Closure Program (ASCP)...
two research engineers work on development of an active clay analyzer
Canada’s mining and minerals industry is important to communities across the country. Developing Canada's natural resources in more sustainable and responsible ways drives our economy, reduces our...
src tests methane reduction tech at well site
The Government of Saskatchewan is investing $400,000, as part of its Methane Action Plan (MAP), to support field-testing research on innovative methane emission reduction technologies. Oil and gas...
src research engineer works at computer on tight oil research
The Petroleum Technology Research Centre (PTRC) is providing $300,000 in funding to SRC to implement and expand its Viking tight oil research program. The Viking formation – located in west-­central...