David S

David S SRC
Job Title
Project Engineer

David, P.Eng, PhD, is an environmental engineer and has worked at SRC since 2012. He currently manages the remediation of 35 legacy Cold War-era uranium mine and exploration sites in northern Saskatchewan, as part of SRC's Project CLEANS team. David has 15 years of experience in environmental engineering, specifically in the fields of contaminated land remediation and environmental life cycle assessment. He spent five years in leadership roles in the Canadian Forces. David is fluent in both English and French.

Posts by this Author

two src environmental remediation experts examine abandoned mine opening
written by SRC Communications and David S
When many of uranium mines in northern Saskatchewan were abandoned in the 1950s and 60s, openings to mine workings were left without proper closures and pose a risk to public safety. SRC has been working with local contractors and consulting engineers to build proper mine closures. There are several methods available, depending on the type of opening and the site conditions.