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Project CLEANS Publications & Reports
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2022 was a year to remember for us here at SRC. We celebrated several monumental anniversaries—SRC turned 75 and our Geoanalytical Laboratories marked 50 years of operation. For a quick journey through the highlights, take a look at our most-read articles published in 2023!
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While the latest technologies are the foundation of any security unit, successful operations also require a robust security culture. Safety and security are interconnected—a secure workplace ensures staff safety and keeps operations running smoothly. Learn how SRC is developing a culture of security as it grows.
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For many companies operating in the mining and energy sectors, community engagement is something they have to do or may want to do. The question is, are you willing to do what it takes to make community engagement more meaningful and valuable for you and your stakeholders? It’s a big question to answer.
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2022 will be remembered for many reasons. We experienced the world beginning to reopen, but as per usual for Saskatoon, we also experienced record-setting weather. Follow along as we recap the weather Saskatoon experienced throughout 2022.
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SRC is happy to announce its team will be back to meet with community members in person from January 30 to February 1, 2023.
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SRC is a multi-disciplinary team with people who encompass a broad range of science, engineering, research and business specialties. Our people are passionate about their work because every SRC...
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Today the Government of Saskatchewan, via the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC), and Star Group Ind. Co., Ltd. signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for cooperation in further developing the rare earth element (REE) supply chain in Saskatchewan.
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Remediation efforts at the former Gunnar Mine and Mill Site reached a new milestone last spring—with the first stage of revegetation coming to fruition. Learn how this long-abandoned uranium mine and mill has undergone a large environmental transformation over the past decade.
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SRC Environmental Analytical Laboratories offers testing and analysis packages for the oil and gas industry, including salinity, total petroleum hydrocarbons, metals in soil and landfill.
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There’s no rule that you must be born with math and science skills to pursue a career in engineering; it’s all about persistence, and a deep desire for learning new things and discovering how they work. We had a chat with a few of our engineers and geoscientists at SRC to learn more about what drew them to their careers. Find out what it's like to live a life of science.
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SRC’s dedication to environmental protection and preservation was recognized by the Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS) on Thursday, March 2 at the annual...
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