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Saskatchewan Research Council Bay 2D, 820 51st Street East Saskatoon, SK S7K 0X8 Phone: 306-933-5400 Toll-free: 1-877-772-7227
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SRC's Maturing Years were marked by growth in staff, facilities and equipment and a focus on applied R&D projects for industry and community needs. This led to the next phase of SRC's evolution, the Commercial Years, which were dominated by contracts with a mostly market-driven outlook, increasing SRC's revenue and importance as an innovation enabler for industry.
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Corporate Documents
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The Lorado Remediation Project has been selected as the Project of the Year by the North Saskatchewan Chapter of the Project Management Institute (PMI). The award recognizes a project that...
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Project CLEANS Presentations & Community Meetings
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Service Guides
View this guide for information about our Environmental Services.
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Every year, Saskatchewan faces the possibility of disaster stemming from natural hazards, such as severe weather, floods, drought and wildfires. In recent years, flooding has been a significant...
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Unleash your inner scientist! SRC is encouraging people of all ages to become Honourary Scientists by turning their kitchens and backyards into science labs. We’ve created three fun and easy science experiments that can be done at home using easy to find supplies.
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What does your DNA look like? Try this easy experiment at home to see it.
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Don't throw out your egg shells - try this experiment to create sparkly crystal geodes.
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Build a mini Game Day Catapult and score your own winning field goal.