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When many of uranium mines in northern Saskatchewan were abandoned in the 1950s and 60s, openings to mine workings were left without proper closures and pose a risk to public safety. SRC has been working with local contractors and consulting engineers to build proper mine closures. There are several methods available, depending on the type of opening and the site conditions.
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An environmental science student shares the hands-on learning she experienced as part of SRC's Aboriginal Mentorship Program. Learn about the diversity of career options in the environmental science field.
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Understanding what goes on inside a slurry pipeline is a complex matter. SRC's Gamma Ray Tomography unit uses multiple gamma-ray sources and sensors to produce real-time images of the density of the pipeline contents at top-notch speeds.
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SRC collaborated with project stakeholders to safely restart Project CLEANS remediation work during the 2020 field season. Learn about the work that was done and what's in store for 2021.
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Safety management has evolved over the past few decades, but safety professionals still struggle to get the point across to the workforce that it is important to report hazards, unsafe acts and conditions. There are significant advantages to reporting and ways to help improve it in your workplace. Read on to learn more.
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Did you know SRC has been a force in innovation for over 75 years? Take a look back at just some of the innovation SRC has been a part of over the decades.
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Clays and active clays are found naturally in mineral deposits and present challenges for mining and oil sands industry processes and tailings management. Learn more about the work being done by SRC and its research partners to further the development of two active clay analyzers to address the issues that active clays present.
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In March 2020, employees across the world packed up their office belongings for what we all thought would be a few weeks of remote work to “flatten the curve” of the COVID-19 pandemic. Get a first-hand account of how one employee at SRC took what she learned about working safely in the office and applied it to her new home office.
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Summer on the Prairies can be an amazing time for weather watching. The summer months can bring everything: thunderstorms, floods, hail and tornadoes. Whether you’re a dedicated storm chaser or a casual observer, there can be a lot to see. Read on.
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Recent concerns over the potential for lead in drinking water have been raised in various municipalities throughout Canada and work must be done to ensure that all residents have access to safe, clean drinking water. Learn more about testing your water for lead.
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Learn how one SRC employee tested her home for radon and what she did when her result came back higher than Health Canada's safe home radon level.
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Dr. Jack Zhang and SRC's Mineral Processing and rare earth experts are making waves in industry with their innovative approach to developing processes for ore beneficiation, separation and hydrometallurgy. Learn more about how Zhang built a mineral processing team at SRC from the ground up and what's next for rare earths. Read on.
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Winter, besides being the season of skating, skiing and snowmobiling, is also a fabulous time for science. Here are a few family-friendly science experiments you can do at home to pass the frosty days while having fun and learning at the same time.
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A chemical engineer by profession, learn how Dr. Muhammad Imran's career transitioned from oil and gas to mining, and how he and his team are working to build a secure supply chain for rare earths in Canada.
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2021 was another year for the record books in more ways than one—just like 2020. Here’s a look back at 2021 and the weather that came with it in Saskatoon.
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We are excited to showcase some of the amazing work our teams were up to in 2021 with our top five most-read stories published on our website last year. Find out what stories piqued the interests of our clients, colleagues and community.
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SRC's Climate Reference Station at the Conservation Learning Centre became fully operational in 2012. Find out how the station was started and why the Centre has been the ideal home for over a decade.
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As electric vehicle technologies advance and the energy transition continues, the demand for critical metals keeps rising. Learn about SRC's direct recycling process of LIB metals that will help industry meet the growing demand for critical metals and divert batteries from landfills.
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In the 1960s, SRC began the Geology and Groundwater mapping program, collecting and compiling data on the geology, quantity and quality of groundwater resources in Saskatchewan's agricultural regions. Learn more about this historic work and how it helped provide a basis for groundwater resources in the province.
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Research shows that livestock with access to quality water will consume more, gain weight quicker and are less likely to develop health issues. Learn about some of the most common factors affecting water quality that we’ve seen at SRC Environmental Analytical Laboratories.
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