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Caitlin Taylor, the Saskatchewanderer, toured SRC's diamond lab and shares her experience learning about the diamond extraction process.
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The versatility of rare earths has led to their use in an ever-increasing variety of applications in new technologies. Consequently, demand for rare earths has increased significantly. Everybody wants to extract rare earths because they’re so important, but metallurgical processing is complicated and comes at a high cost.
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The Innovation School™ focuses not only on building an understanding of innovation, but on promoting and sharing ideas, business models and best practices related to enabling innovation by RTOs.
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Four seasons. One climate reference station to record them all. Find out how Saskatoon fared in the rain, snow, wind, sun and frost in 2014.
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A new joint study by members of Canada's Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA) looks at how slurry pipelines behave while operating in laminar flow. The results of the study will lay the foundation for developing a reliable model for laminar operation of slurry pipelines that could be used to design pipelines that can effectively transport thickened tailings.
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Across Canada, there are laws in place to protect employees on the job. This OH&S legislation gives three important rights to all employees to ensure they have the knowledge and responsibility they need to be safe on the job. Read your rights!
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Saskatchewan’s Competitive Intelligence community has been rapidly gaining ground in the past year or so, with interest spreading across various organizations. We have the potential in Saskatchewan to create a Collaborative and Integrated network of practitioners who are proactively working together to understand the challenges we face, now and in the future.
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Saskatchewan has embraced biotechnology to deliver more value to the agriculture sector and enhance food security on a global scale. Now our collective and foundational strengths in agricultural biotechnology have created opportunities to apply these capabilities in other areas as well.
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The business world is hearing buzzwords, such as “Competitive Intelligence,” “Market Intelligence,” “Business Intelligence” and others similar in nature, more often these days. For the most part, these words all tend to refer to the same general practice of a formalized “intelligence function.” But practitioners, and the organizations who have such functions, tend to attach different meanings to these phrases. Why is that? And if a company doesn’t have such a function, is the intelligence piece missing?
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The term technology readiness is arising more frequently in discussions about innovation. When this occurs, one has to be a bit careful because there are two very different kinds of readiness and both are important to the success of technology development.
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A Community of Practice (CoP) connects like-minded colleagues who come together to share experiences and knowledge. Read on to find out how this concept was applied at SRC when a large group of people wanted to work on their project management certifications.
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Thomas Lavergne was an Environmental Engineering student at the University of Saskatchewan and a student in SRC’s Aboriginal Mentorship Program (AMP) at the time this post was written. We're happy to report he's now a full-time employee with our Environmental Remediation team!
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Terms like “Fail Fast,” “Fail Cheap,” and “Fail Early” are often used in discussions about innovation, especially with regard to product development, entrepreneurs, and start-up companies. A popular one is “Failing Forward,” but what does it mean?
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On November 4th, 2015, SRC employees with children in Grade 9 brought their kids to work. We sat down with a few of the students and their parents to find out what the students thought about their parents' careers and what advice the parents had to share about making plans for the future.
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There are several off-grid communities and industrial sites in Saskatchewan that use diesel generators to meet their electrical power needs. But what if there was a more efficient way to generate power? SRC developed the Hybrid Energy Container (HERC) Power System in response to this challenge and put it to work at one of the mine sites they're remediating to demonstrate the technology.
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UAVs have the unique potential to transform emergency management as we know it. By leveraging UAVs alongside traditional manned relief efforts in an emergency, operations can be conducted faster, safer and more efficiently.
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On average, a huge amount of work and several thousand failures almost always mark the landscape between a bright new idea and a commercial success. Let’s take a look at the prior history of the average successful new product.
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In a recent case study, we examined historic and future climate extremes and variability in the Souris River Watershed that are impacting the energy sector. Find out how the energy sector has responded to extreme climate events and what future adaptation actions the they can implement to capitalize on potential opportunities and to reduce risks in a changing climate.
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If you think that creative thinking is just for “naturally creative people,” then you may want to reconsider. The good news is that everyone’s natural creative talents can be developed and enhanced.
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North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week provides a valuable opportunity to talk about safety in terms of organizational culture and engagement- but we don’t just think about safety during NAOSH Week. Learn how we follow through on our safety commitments every single day.
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