SRC Communications

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two src environmental remediation experts examine abandoned mine opening
written by SRC Communications and David S
When many of uranium mines in northern Saskatchewan were abandoned in the 1950s and 60s, openings to mine workings were left without proper closures and pose a risk to public safety. SRC has been working with local contractors and consulting engineers to build proper mine closures. There are several methods available, depending on the type of opening and the site conditions.
src employees works in mobile emissions trailer
written by SRC Communications
This blog post is the second installment in a two-part series about methane emissions. In the first post , we looked at how methane emissions are created and why there’s a push to reduce them. In this...
pumpjack against a purple sunset
written by SRC Communications
Government energy regulators are demanding substantial greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions from industry. While carbon dioxide is a concern, methane poses a bigger problem because it absorbs significantly more energy and has a great impact on global warming.
src employees practice on-site first aid training
written by SRC Communications and Suzanne J
SRC’s Safety Awards Program was created to recognize employees who have contributed to improving safety at SRC. Learn more about the program and how it's contributed to making SRC a safe place to work.
src engineer uses 3-d printer for industrial parts
written by SRC Communications
You may be familiar with the gadgets a home 3-D printer can produce, but engineering 3-D printed parts for industry is a different game. With strength and stiffness requirements, load-carrying parts and mechanical components are slow to find their way to critical applications. Learn more.
network panel switch cables to show src industrial internet of things
written by SRC Communications
The Internet of Things (IoT) connects ordinarily mundane devices to the Internet to give you greater knowledge and control of their functions.The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is simply the IoT in an industrial setting. But unlike consumer-grade appliances like refrigerators and toasters, industrial machinery and scientific instrumentation require a few more checks and balances.
src shows multiple pump jacks showing different drilling techniques
written by SRC Communications
Evolving technologies and processes have significantly altered how companies drill for oil. Take a look at some game-changing drilling advancements, starting with horizontal wells, that occurred over the past few decades.
woman taking src recommended leadership book off shelf
written by SRC Communications
There are so many books on leadership and management that it's hard to sift through the pile to find the gems. Here is a diverse list of five books recommended that broaden the traditional notion of leadership.
src uav used to detect methane gas
written by SRC Communications
Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs or drones) are also becoming a tool of interest for upstream oil and gas producers. A methane gas detection UAV is capable of spotting small, isolated gas leaks at ground level from up to 30 meters in the air — a feat that’s not quite as easy as it sounds.
lightbulb exploding to symbolize disruptive innovation
written by SRC Communications
Disruptive innovation and entrepreneurs are good friends. Entrepreneurs are often the ones that develop new products or services that change an entire industry. Learn what disruptive innovation is and when a technology might be considered disruptive - and when it isn't.