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Furthering its position as an attractive company to work for in the eyes of young professionals, SRC has been named to the Canada’s Top Employers for Young People 2018 listing for the second year in a...
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We’re fortunate that many women in STEM careers have chosen to work here – scientists, engineers, researchers, technologists. Learn how five women at SRC came to be in a STEM career and what and who inspired them - and continues to inspire them - to stick with it.
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Making predictions about the future is difficult but, if the past is any indicator, some future technological innovations will arise out of things that have already been imagined by science-fiction and fantasy-fiction writers.
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With all of the different products and choices available to us, how can we, as consumers, make “green” choices based on reliable information? One valuable way to lower our impacts on the environment is to think about the full life cycle impacts of decisions about the products and services we consume.
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The Gunnar Mine operated from 1955-1963 and officially closed in 1964 with little to no decommissioning. In 1956, it was considered to be the largest uranium producer in the world. Learn about the construction of the site, the operational challenges and the town site that was built - and why it became a ghost town.
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The Gunnar Mine and Mill Site was abandoned with little to no decommissioning after it ceased operation in 1964, leaving behind significant hazards to the environment and public. Learn about the decades after the Gunnar Site closed and what's being done to remediate the land.
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Learn why three students from SRC’s Aboriginal Mentorship Program chose a STEM education and what their careers aspirations are. Each of them have a unique story, which we hope will inspire other Indigenous youth to consider a career and education in STEM.
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