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Today, SRC is formalizing the expansion of a mentorship program for Indigenous post-secondary students, while at the same time celebrating the success the program has seen in its first four years...
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The demand for lithium is projected to increase 73 per cent by 2025. Lithium extraction is often expensive and time consuming, so how can mining companies keep up with this fast-rising demand? Keep reading to learn about new advances in lithium recovery technologies.
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Candu Energy Inc., a member of the SNC-Lavalin Group, has been selected to provide decommissioning services for the Saskatchewan Research Council’s (SRC) Safe Low-Power Kritical Experiment (SLOWPOKE-2...
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Throughout the 1970s, SRC investigated pesticide spray drift, which happens when pesticides drift beyond the targeted crop area (including runoff from plants and soils) by accident. Learn about the field trials and the results of the study.
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The Nicholson Mine was the first uranium mine to be developed in Saskatchewan. In 1949, it was the only active uranium mine in Canada outside the Northwest Territories. By 1959, the Nicholson ore body had been essentially depleted, but the Nicholson Mine had played its role in helping Canada become one of the largest uranium producers in the world. Learn more about the challenges of developing and operating this mine.
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Before the end of this year’s Aboriginal Mentorship Program at SRC, second-year mentee Tomika and her mentor, Mark had a chance to talk about their experience in the program. Read some of our favourite responses from their conversation, which we hope will shed some light on the benefits of mentorship.
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