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Update: July 16, 2020 - Read the latest announcement from the Government of Saskatchewan about the first parcel of work projects approved in the ASCP. The Government of Saskatchewan is launching the...
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SRC has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Royal Helium to review the development of an integrated, poly-generation facility for the production and refinement of helium and associated...
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The results are in for a three-year project to help forest managers estimate carbon storage in wetlands as part of their land management activities.
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Revegetation is a critical component of industrial and government projects, such as infrastructure construction, contaminated site remediation, recreational area development and ecosystem restoration.
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The Government of Saskatchewan has approved its first parcel of work packages to be completed through the Accelerated Site Closure Program (ASCP). A total of 22 packages will engage up to 50 service...
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11 Demonstration Projects Will Set The Stage For Further Consultations For the full version of this news release, please visit: . Farmers and ranchers in Saskatchewan are...
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SRC has achieved the second highest impacts since it began reporting the impact of its work on the Saskatchewan economy. SRC’s economic impact assessment for 2019-20 shows impacts of more than $901...
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