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To celebrate International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we want to inspire women and girls to think about science and technology as a viable educational and career opportunity. Read about some of the women within our offices and labs doing remarkable things in STEM that benefit industry, our communities and the world.
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Welcome to part two of our feature on International Day of Women and Girls in Science, highlighting just some of women at SRC working in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
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Many mining operations experience significant maintenance and performance problems with their materials handling equipment. High heat, dust and vibration can wreak havoc on equipment, as do the tough materials the equipment handles. Learn how engineering experts at SRC solved a client's legacy equipment challenge, combining old and new engineering principles.
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Released on March 15, 2021 - View on the Government of Saskatchewan website Important Investment in Public Science Today, the Government of Saskatchewan announced $500,000 to support innovative...
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SRC's Enhanced Oil Recovery team uses a stage-gated approach to help small-to-medium enterprises develop their technologies and evaluate technical, market and commercial factors. This helps our clients save time and accelerate adoption. Learn about what's involved.
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We’re celebrating Saskatchewan's landscape with a list of great activities and interesting facts. The diverse landscapes across our province create unique ecosystems, filled with colourful flora and fauna—read on to learn how you can help and enjoy the natural wonder of the place we call home.
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