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A chemical engineer by profession, learn how Dr. Muhammad Imran's career transitioned from oil and gas to mining, and how he and his team are working to build a secure supply chain for rare earths in Canada.
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2021 was another year for the record books in more ways than one—just like 2020. Here’s a look back at 2021 and the weather that came with it in Saskatoon.
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We are excited to showcase some of the amazing work our teams were up to in 2021 with our top five most-read stories published on our website last year. Find out what stories piqued the interests of our clients, colleagues and community.
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Landfill operations have requirements for acceptability of waste at their particular sites. SRC Enviromental Analytical Laboratories offers a variety of landfill waste acceptance criteria testing to help clients meet those requirements.
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SRC's Climate Reference Station at the Conservation Learning Centre became fully operational in 2012. Find out how the station was started and why the Centre has been the ideal home for over a decade.
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We are celebrating the ten-year anniversary of our climate reference station at the Conservation Learning Centre (CLC). SRC has two climate reference stations, one in Saskatoon and one at the CLC...
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SRC and Paterson & Cooke have joined forces to once again offer an in-person comprehensive course in slurry pipeline design and operation.
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