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This news release originally appeared on CNSC's website . December 9, 2019 – Ottawa Today, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) announced its decision to amend Saskatchewan Research Council’s...
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Saskatchewan Research Council 143-111 Research Drive Saskatoon, SK, S7N 3R2 Phone: 306-933-6932
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Saskatchewan Research Council 2901 Cleveland Avenue Saskatoon, SK, S7K 8A9 Phone: 306-933-8118
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Saskatchewan Research Council Bay 1 & 2, 820 51st Street Saskatoon, SK, S7K 0X8 Phone: 306-933-5400
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Corporate Documents
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Climate change is affecting Canada’s forests to a greater extent than other parts of the globe. A climate change vulnerability assessment is currently underway in Saskatchewan and Manitoba with the goal of identifying what climate change will look like in the boreal forest and how to reduce its impacts.
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2019 won’t be remembered in Saskatoon’s history books for its weather. When averaged over the year, the weather was very typical for Saskatoon and surrounding area. While the year may have been fairly unremarkable, there were still some notable weather statistics and events. Learn more.
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Read about the projects and people that made our top five most-read stories published on our site in 2019.
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At SRC, attracting and retaining young talent is serious business. We are proud to be named among Canada’s Top Employers for Young People for the fourth year in a row in 2020! This puts SRC among a...
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Appia Energy Corp. announced on January 16, 2020 that they've submitted a proposal "with respect to addressing the security of the heavy rare earth element (“REE”) supply chain in the United States...
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Project CLEANS Presentations & Community Meetings
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SRC is one of the pioneers in the field of alternative fuel vehicle work and has a long history conducting research and development in the area since 1985. Learn about SRC’s journey into alternative fuels, including the successes, some failures and even some firsts.
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In the 2000s, SRC’s previous work on natural gas vehicle conversions was broadened to develop and demonstrate a variety of other alternative fuel vehicles that could operate on natural gas, ethanol or hydrogen. Learn more about this next phase of innovation.
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SRC has been named among Saskatchewan’s Top Employers for the fifth year in a row. This annual competition, organized by the editors of Canada’s Top 100 Employers, recognizes companies leading the...
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