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Anton F - Author Bio

Anton is the Project Lead and Supervisor on SRC's Engineering and Manufacturing team.
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Jack Z - Author Bio

Jack is the Associate Vice-President of Strategic Technologies in SRC's Mining and Minerals Division. He has over 20 years of extensive industrial, engineering, operation and research experience. His...
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Ryan J - Author Bio

Ryan is the Team Lead for SRC's Integrated Energy Systems group. He received a B.Sc. in Engineering Physics and an M.Sc. from the University of Saskatchewan in Electrical Engineering with a focus on...
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Jeff Z - Author Bio

Jeff is the manager of SRC Environmental Analytical Laboratories in the Environment and Biotech Division. He has previously served as Senior Supervisor of the Inorganics and Radiochemistry...
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Jenna S-W - Author Bio

Jenna is an Associate Scientist at SRC Environmental Analytical Laboratories. She specializes in radiochemistry and is the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) for SRC. She has been a member of SRC’s OH&S...
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Mike Mc - Author Bio

Mike, P.Geo, is the Manager of the Saskatchewan Research Council’s Geoanalytical Laboratories Diamond Services team. He is a graduate of the University of Saskatchewan with a B.Sc. in Geology. He has...
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Sunil S - Author Bio

Sunil is SRC's Director of Health, Safety, Environment and Quality Systems. He has a Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and a Master of Science in Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) management...
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Ryan S - Author Bio

Ryan, Ph.D, P.Eng, is a Principal Engineer at SRC and has been involved in slurry research for over 12 years. Ryan conducted his graduate studies research at SRC’s Pipe Flow Technology Centre™, and...
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This news release originally appeared on the Government of Saskatchewan website . The Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) has successfully designed and manufactured proprietary commercial-scale...
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At SRC, being safe is fundamental to everything we do -- from lab operation, to project management to the services and products we provide our clients. When doing business with SRC, it is clear to...
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Thirty-five abandoned uranium mine and exploration sites are located around the Uranium City area. Ore was not processed at these mines, but was shipped to the uranium mills at Lorado and Eldorado...
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Rare earth elements are used in many technologies, but they require purification and processing to separate them for use in these products. Solvent extraction is a strategic separation step that makes REEs more valuable. Learn more about how SRC designed and fabricated its own solvent extraction cells in-house for its Rare Earth Processing Facility.
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Project CLEANS Fact Sheets
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Physical and numerical modelling, as well as analyzing laboratory experiments, requires petrophysical and fluid property determination.
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