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As one of Canada's most complete analytical chemistry laboratories, SRC Environmental Analytical Laboratories offers environmental testing and analytical services to global clients, as well as expertise in organics, inorganics and radiochemistry.
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SRC’s Saskatoon delivery and mailing address (125-15 Innovation Boulevard) has changed. Please update your records with our new address. New mailing address:   Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC)  Bay...
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Fact Sheets, Corporate Documents
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With Canada’s most significant helium reserves found in southwestern Saskatchewan, the province has the potential to be a leader in helium production. Learn about the findings from a report SRC developed to investigate the potential of building a helium liquification hub in the province.
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For over 75 years, the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) has focused on research and technology demonstration that directly affects the welfare of the province — helping find solutions for the agricultural, mining, environmental and energy industries.
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background The former Lorado uranium mill site is located approximately eight kilometers south of Uranium City. The mill operated from 1957 to 1960. Tailings were deposited adjacent to Nero Lake, with...
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The former Gunnar Mine site is located on the north shore of Lake Athabasca, approximately 25 kilometres southwest of Uranium City.
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Project CLEANS Fact Sheets
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Ian Wilson leads a team of scientists, engineers and project managers who are remediating 37 abandoned uranium mine sites scattered across remote areas of northern Saskatchewan. Learn what makes this project and the remediation team unique.
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For mining and energy companies, community engagement is an important component of many projects and sites, from exploration through operation to remediation. Learn why local trust and project understanding are key to successfully working with communities across the life of a project.
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