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Saskatchewan Research Council 122 - 6 Research Drive Regina, SK S4S 7J7 Phone: 306-933-5400 Toll-free: 1-877-772-7227
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SRC’s SLOWPOKE reactor was commissioned in March 1981. The reactor immediately proved to be a great resource for the uranium industry as it provided a rapid method to analyze the thousands of exploration samples that the industry was then producing. Learn more.
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SRC is home to one of five SLOWPOKE-2 low-power research reactors in the world. SLOWPOKE-2 is used primarily as an analytical tool for commercial analysis and research. Read on to find out what makes this reactor different than other power reactors.
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Mark C - Author Bio

Mark is the Director of Indigenous Relations at SRC. Mark works across all areas of SRC to provide guidance and support on projects, drawing on his many years of experience in relationship building...
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Mining practices have evolved with the advent of innovative technologies and new applications. SRC research scientist Dexu Kong, and collaborators from the University of Saskatchewan, researched a new way of recovering gold from secondary sources. Learn more about what they found.
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Over 8,800 inactive oil and gas wells and facilities in Saskatchewan were capped or closed under the Accelerated Site Closure Program. The program was announced in 2020 and provided $400 million directly to Saskatchewan-based oil and gas service companies.
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SRC’s machine shop can machine and fabricate items from a variety of materials to very precise specifications.
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Can and should small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) do competitive intelligence (CI)? If so, how do SMEs create a CI program without exhausting resources?
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Disruptive innovation and entrepreneurs are good friends. Entrepreneurs are often the ones that develop new products or services that change an entire industry. Learn what disruptive innovation is and when a technology might be considered disruptive - and when it isn't.
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Innovative technologies and advancements are happening every day - how do we keep up? SRC's Business Intelligence team monitors megatrends, systems and technologies. Learn how these three levels interact and influence each other and industry.
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